Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Sparks, Henry comes to the rescue

I was struggling to get the RPM above 8300rpm.

I suspected it was too much fuel, but wasn't sure and thought it might be that the spark was being blown out by the higher pressure mixture.

Solution? Well I was told that the Ford coilpack is what is needed. I doubted that what comes under the bonnet of a Fiesta could solve my problems at 11kRPM in a turbocharged bike engine, but reading up on this suggested that was what was needed.

So, I got it, and it revs all the way, and it looks properly OEM (which is good).

Here is a photo or two. I had to trim down the 1.6 EFI Fiesta leads slightly and insert the rubber washers that come on the stock GSXR1100wp plug ends, but I am more than happy with the end result. Especially as the engine idles really nicely and revs all the way up.

Who would have guessed that the solution would be a Ford Coilpack, but I guess it makes sense for mass produced cars to have powerful sparks as a car that doesn't start is a car that no-one will want.

Intercoolers rock

Here are some photos of my new intercooler.

I installed it over the last few days. Previously inlet temps rose to 60degC now as long as there is forward motion they are tagged at around 29degC, massive result. £69 for the intercooler 2fast2cool (or some other nonsense name).

All the silicon bends were a bit pricey (£12 a go) but they look nice!

One for my dad (bonnet decoration)

For the longest time my father has been disappointed by the quality of the inside of my bonnet.

I had put in a bulge to fill a hole, and the resulting mess on the inside wasn't that nice, then I had filled some holes which were also ugly. Also I had bonded in some wheel arches which were pretty ugly too. Basically my dad was right, it was ugly and needed sorting.

I had already decided that I needed to insulate the bonnet to prevent it catching fire (I measured a temperature of 95degC after a gentle run!).

So I took it off and painted it black (cellulose paint) and glued on some insulation.

Not much else to talk about, but it is much prettier (for people who care about this stuff)