I was struggling to get the RPM above 8300rpm.
I suspected it was too much fuel, but wasn't sure and thought it might be that the spark was being blown out by the higher pressure mixture.
Solution? Well I was told that the Ford coilpack is what is needed. I doubted that what comes under the bonnet of a Fiesta could solve my problems at 11kRPM in a turbocharged bike engine, but reading up on this suggested that was what was needed.
So, I got it, and it revs all the way, and it looks properly OEM (which is good).
Here is a photo or two. I had to trim down the 1.6 EFI Fiesta leads slightly and insert the rubber washers that come on the stock GSXR1100wp plug ends, but I am more than happy with the end result. Especially as the engine idles really nicely and revs all the way up.
Who would have guessed that the solution would be a Ford Coilpack, but I guess it makes sense for mass produced cars to have powerful sparks as a car that doesn't start is a car that no-one will want.